We will continue to be concerned about the evolution of the new Law on Education n.Hace a few days ago we got to know the draft law and our concerns have only increased. Although our children say they are going to know more Euskera, it is difficult to achieve it by reducing the hours of Euskera. The hours of Spanish and English will be multiplied, reducing the hours of learning in Basque to the same extent.
In view of the current difficulties of Model D in electing students, how do our authorities think that the solution will be to reduce the hours of Basque? Furthermore, we find it even more worrying that this preliminary draft law has not received any opposition.
In the new draft law there is no reference to immersion and respiratory areas. Despite the fact that we submitted our proposals and requests, the draft bill does not provide for any measures to put an end to the dispersion, exclusion and linguistic stress of Basque children. Little, and the preliminary draft does not specify what schools should do that do not guarantee the Basque level of students to ensure a sufficient level of Euskera.
Nor does it seem appropriate to us the procedure proposed to determine the level of Euskera (through the faculty of the center itself).It needs an external evaluation to measure the level of students with impartiality.
This draft law which has been intended to adorn with fine words contains little detail and very few dimensions. At a time when the adherence and use of Euskera is declining, our leaders seem to have opted for Spanish, dedicating more hours to Spanish as a vehicular language, although all students know perfectly and (at least) English as a vehicular language, to the detriment of the quality of the contents taught in English. If the "diverse" model is generalized as proposed, it does not need to be an expert to conclude that the students' Basque competence is going to decrease even further.
With this draft law, the Euskaldunes of the children's house will become Spanish faster than today, and for the Castellanoparlantes, the Euskera will become even stranger and incómodo.La new Law of Education can, in our opinion, be a delay of many years if the Preliminary Draft is not corrected. We would ask the Basque actors and parties to act responsibly and consistently in this endeavour. We are not on the right track.
Ainhitze Bizkalegorra Bravo, Mitxel Elortza Exea e Irune Soto Aldalur
Members of the group Let's breathe