Mobilizes in Donostia to “reject” the Education Act
  • Various agents denounce in Donostia that the Education Act “deepens the privatization of the system”, called by the Harro platform of the Basque Public School.  
Mattin Azpiroz Pagola 2023ko urriaren 30
Mobilizazioa Donostian. // Argazkia: Euskal Eskola Publikoaren Aldeko Plataforma

The Euskal Eskola Publikoa Harro platform has called for a mobilization against the Education Bill this Sunday in Donostia. Trade unions EHIGE, Euskal Herriko Gurasoen Elkartea, HEIZE and Steilas, CCOO, ESK participated in the protest. The Ikasle Union, the National Student Organization, School Action and Communist Youth, have also expressed their support.

Agents point out that this is a “law that does not respond to the challenges of public schools.” EHIGE coordinator Lurdes Imaz asks to “reject” the project: “Because it deepens the privatization of the system, excludes the public school and does not guarantee the euskaldunization of all students.”

On the other hand, the agents have described the project as “fraud”. They say that because they bet on the concerted, who say that public school is the axis of the law: “To the extent that unconditional funding is guaranteed to the private network, the promotion of public schools and the effective response to their challenges are waived.”

Justice Garbiñe Biurrun has argued that “public centers offer all Euskaldunization” and that “they favor coexistence between students and families”. He also points out that the “outdated system for traditional reasons” is maintained: “Particular, ideological, partisan interests and against what should be a social pact for education to maintain social, economic and political elites”.

The Harro platform of the Basque Public School has called for “ensuring public supply in all municipalities and neighborhoods” and has called for “not agreeing private places”: “The new law should plan in this direction and end the oversupply of concerted private centers”