Civil disobedience in favour of the right to be examined in Basque
Seaska achieves meeting with the Rector of the Bordeaux Academy
  • SEASKA has once again brought to the front line the struggle for the students of Ipar Euskal Herria to take the Break and Lower exams in Basque. On this occasion, they had to meet with the rector of the Bordeaux academy, with an action of disobedience. On Thursday, teachers and parents occupied the residences of Baiona, San Juan de Luz and Donapaleu (Lapurdi). They denounce that they asked for an appointment in a thousand ways with the rector of the Bordeaux Academy to discuss this issue and that I did not want to answer them. Having informed them that they will not leave their headquarters until they receive a reply, they have been given an appointment for next Wednesday, 30.
Lander Arbelaitz Mitxelena @larbelaitz 2022ko apirilaren 07a
Seaskaren okupazioa, azterketak euskaraz egiteko eskubidearen alde. (Argazkia: Piarres Larzabal kolegioa)

The struggle of SEASKA and the Basques of Ipar Euskal Herria against the French Ministry of Education, in relation to the right to study in Basque, is long. One of the main battles is the right to have tests performed in Basque.

It is in the hands of the rector of the Bordeaux Academy to be able to perform the tests in Basque in break and low. Previously, SEASKA had already denounced the existence of means to correct the tests of brebeta in Basque. "But they don't want it, it's a political decision," he added. But they don't intend to despair. However, the reading by SEASKA President Peio Jorajuria on the conflict with the French Minister of Education, Rafa INES, on the current situation is very broad.

"We've touched a dogma on the subject of tests. In national education we have a dogmatic minister on these issues, who wants to put French above the Basque and who does not accept a minimum knowledge of the Basque," says Jorajuria. "And we know that's what he's blocking. It cannot therefore be overcome by argumentation; it must be passed on to public opinion, and we must also, in all its forms, make our ideas known."

Students have also approached the occupation of the academic inspection of San Juan de Luz. (Basque Radios)

Convinced that the right to obtain Euskera must be won through the struggle, the students have begun a disobedient dynamic that has been developing for years. For example, since 2018, they have been taking part in the break science test in Basque and last year some students took the Bastille test in Basque as well. Due to the students' demands, several professors refused to run the exams and occupied the Donapaleu correction center.

And why is it so important to do the tests in Basque? A student of the Liceo Bernat Etxepare of Baiona has clearly explained the question of journalist Berria Ekhi Erremunerdegi: "As we learn Basque from a young age, we want the tests to be corrected in Basque," he added.

From words to deeds

During the course of the Korrika, the reader will find more information about this struggle in the article of the series 'Hitzetatik Ekintzetara' that we are publishing in ARGIA: Brebeta in Basque: There's no fine on the part of the teacher.

The occupation of the Donapaleu Academic Inspectorate has been approached by many people. (Basque Radios)