Capitalist heteropatriarchate, girls* young flat
  • Heteropatriarchal capitalism has turned the bodies of women* into battlefields, denying that women* own our lives and our bodies: we are hegemonic prisoners of beauty, we are forced to perform invisible care work (and free of charge), victims of male violence … and a long and so on, because there are many oppressions that the named women suffer, all of them are faces of the same domination, a system of survival.
Ernai Antolakundea @ernaigazte 2019ko martxoaren 05

In case all this was not enough, the capitalist system is going to deepen these oppressions. It is far from putting lives at the centre, because for the benefit of the interests of capital the workers bind us to the most extreme precariousness and misery, increasingly brutal.

But there's a feminist force growing up in front of this. As a result of the work of our mothers and grandmothers for years, the new generations are drinking from feminism, and we are not prepared to give up what we have achieved by what preceded us, because we know the value of our lives. We want and need our lives to be at the center. Young girls* want to own our bodies, own our present and future. And to do so, we need bodies and territories that are outside heteropatriarchal capitalism, if we want to be free.

The feminist struggle needs territories where their demands and alternatives are witnessed, and we are going to build them all in Euskal Herria. We are dealing with a fascist offensive, we are fighting the neoliberal offensive, over and above the undemocratic states of Spain and France, we are building Euskal Herria. We're building a people that puts lives at the center. Because here is a force, because there is a people: there is and we are.

Long live the struggle of the young!

Long live the feminist struggle!