After the withdrawal of two prey, the salmon begins to reach Baztan from the Bidasoa
  • These improvements are expected to achieve optimal areas for salmon and other migratory species and to increase the chances of survival. It is an activity financed from European funds, as part of the Life Kanturibai project.
Julene Flamarique 2024ko azaroaren 28a
Arraoizko Errota kentzeko obrak Jesús Diges

The salmon can now carry out the entire Artesiaga Canal after removing the small Arraiotz Mill Dam in the Baztan-Bidasoa Basin. The Arraioz infrastructure was not used and was an insurmountable barrier for migrant species. This action is part of the Life Kantauribai project funded by European funds. The aim of this project is to recover river ecosystems by removing barriers and improving fish footsteps.

The small prey has historically been used for a flour mill and subsequently as a hydroelectric mini-center. This made it difficult for fish to migrate, since it was 2.8 meters high and a scale of fish was hampered. Once thrown down, salmon will have cooler and more oxygenated waters, which are indispensable for survival in the context of climate change.

It has also acted on the small barrier of Irurita's sawmill, removing the central elements and conserving part of its historical structure. These actions substantially improve salmon conditions, as the salmon population has decreased in recent years and as a result, fishing in Navarre is prohibited in 2023 and 2024.