The hertzainak will return to the stage to say goodbye
  • Gari, Josu Zabala and Txanpi will offer the latest tour titled ‘Azkena Tours’. Further information on 29 September.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko irailaren 23a
Iñaki Garitaonaindia \"Gari\" eta Josu Zabala, Hertzainak taldeko kideak (Argazkia: Hala Bedi)

The Hertzainak group was formed in 1981 and dissolved after six discs in 1993. Throughout his career, the group offered many of the most famous songs of Euskal Herria. The initial group consisted of Josu Zabala Ajuriagerra, Kurro, Delfo, Txanpi, Kike and Xabier Montoia, who in the summer of 1982 left the group and entered Gari as a singer.

In the first albums they mixed the provocation of punk with the dancers rhythms ska and reggae, reflecting in the letters the political and social conflict of the Basque Country. For example, Javier San Martín de Goikoetxea, a deceased member of the Piti Anticapitalist Autonomous Commands, dedicated himself to singing until he left him in the Pakea, as he was a friend of the group.

In 1993 the group was dismissed with a special action in the sports club of Anoeta de San Sebastián. The members of the group followed different paths, but they continued to make music, and they once met informally to give concerts. In 2019, Gari and Josu Zabala returned to the stage to celebrate the 38th anniversary of the Hertzainak group with a concert that will be more joyful than Inun.

This week it has been announced that the group will return to the stage for a final round. The latter is in our favor and Gari, Josu Zabala and Txanpi will meet on the board. Further information on 29 September.