Azpeitia City Hall will give every citizen a reusable face mask
  • According to local Uztarria, the Azpeitia City Hall will provide each of its 15,000 inhabitants with a reusable face mask so that it can be used at times when it is mandatory or advisable in the de-escalation phases. Although most of the masks that the administrations offer to citizens are usually disposable once they are used, the Azpeitia City Hall has opted for reusable ones.
Zero Zabor @zero_zabor 2020ko maiatzaren 09a
Azpeitiko udalak banatuko dituen maskarak, behin eta berriro erabiltzeko modukoak. (Argazkia: Uztarria)

Since COVID-19 first became a plague and then a pandemic, the health waste pile has begun all over the world, making it a nightmare for administrations and those who want better waste management. In addition to the special protective suits to be used by health care workers, and regardless of the authorities’ lack of foresight, most of the distributed masks that use plastic bags worn out because of the needs are also used once they are used, both in shopping and in public transport, as well as in street trips among the most vulnerable. China gift of the SARS-CoV-2 virus for promoters of waste incineration.

The City of Azpeitia, for its part, has acquired 15,000 reusable masks for distribution among the citizens. A prize will be awarded to each citizen. According to Uztarria, the distribution will begin next Wednesday, 13 May, starting at 12:00: it will first be delivered to the Azpeitiarras over 65 and then to the rest. To do so, fifteen places will be installed in the village, and each citizen will have to come in time and place corresponding to the collection of the mask. Starting on Monday, the time and place of departure of each of them will be communicated.