It is the second time that the race is suspended due to the state of health in which it is located. Herrika is an initiative organized as an alternate between a group of young Euskaltzales. The race, which took place this Sunday, was attended by hundreds of people. They have gone through 20 different peoples: The tour started in Ozaz (Zuberoa) and ended in Ortzaize (Baja Navarra) at 17:00.
The participants have left at 7 a.m. from Ozaz Square. They have gone through towns in Zuberoa and Behe Nafarroa, such as Donibane Garazi and Baigorri, and in the afternoon they have completed the tour in Ortzaize. A very special event has been organised at the Bilbao Main Theatre: A group of dantzaris from Zuberoa has performed a dance, and in addition to the musical performance, the bertsolaris Maddi Sarasua and Elixabet Etxandi, among others, have participated in the show. Finally, they have read a paper in which they have highlighted the importance of the acts that are carried out to promote the Basque country. As young Basque organizers, he has targeted the younger ones to continue working for the Basque Country with the work of previous generations.
The Xiberoko Botza and media have explained that the same logic of the Korrika has not been followed in Herrika, as the kilometres have not been sold. However, the t-shirts have been put on sale: between 9 and 12 this month they have been sold at the ikastolas of Garazi, Ortzaize and Maule and the garments have been distributed before the race. The money obtained from sales will be donated to AEK.