The revolution of the Paris Commune began on 18 March 1871 and Herri Bildu remembered the 152 anniversary last Saturday in Behorlegi. They have planted the pear of land that they have called La Communarde and intend that next year the resulting seed should spread to the whole of Euskal Herria, "to follow that beautiful revolution".
On Sunday, the spring festival between Kurds and Basques was held to accelerate solidarity between the two peoples. After the meal prepared by the Kurds in the Popular Dining Room, he danced around the fire to celebrate the Newroz or the new year. Then they planted together the onion “Jin, Jiyan, Azadi” (wife, life, freedom) and the idea that this seed would spread to the rest of the Basque Country next year.
To round off the day, the similarities between the Democratic Confederalism of Kurds and the Basque Community Congress College were discussed, and the Kurds presented the situation in Kurdistan.
On 1 April it will be presented at the Gaztetxe de Oñati, in presentation debate format. It will be 11:00 to 19:00 hours. Among them, each will celebrate a meal with which he has taken home. Here are some of Herri Bildu’s axes to be presented in Oñati:
To live, Equality! Food: Ecosocial Agriculture and Self-sufficiency Gardens; Self-sufficiency in Health: S.O.S. Red para Curas Hospitalarias; Self-sufficiency in transport: Cycling and shoe making; Centro Euskal Herria: Pueblo Educador Infantil; Universidad Euskal Herria: Peoples learning from the people; Reflexionando: decolonize our thoughts and Aberri Eguna: national, anti-exploitation and not pascual.
The Day of Reflection in Behorlegi is celebrated on 15 April. It's about the Baietz commission: "We read books, we look at documentaries or we listen to conferences and we organize public debates to reflect on them in Basque." They will start at 11:00 in the morning, at 13:00 they will eat together in the Popular Dining Room and the afternoon session will be from 15:00 to 17:00. The book chosen for this occasion is Terre et liberté (from Aurélien Berlan). Pello Zubiria brings its essence to the Basque in Larrun: Meeting our needs, about us.
To attend the Day of Reflection or the Popular Dining Room you must register at before April 14.
On the HerriBildu website you can read the texts for your reflection.