You will accept the voice of the people
  • This evening, 17 October, the assassination of José Ariztimuño, Aitzol, by the 88 fascist years. I have just read that I did not want to remain silent in the face of the shooting platoon. The soldiers reportedly resisted firing, so they had to order repeatedly that the military facilities be set on fire. However, he was co-infected with bullets on the night of 17-18 October 1936.

Cira Crespo 2024ko urriaren 17a

This year 100 years the poet Vicent Andrés Estellés was born. In tribute to Aitzol, I have translated a poem by Vicent Andrés Estelles that I think he would have liked.

You will accept the voice of the people,

and then the voice of your people


and forever,

You will be a people,

And you'll suffer.

And he'll wait.

and always powdered

you will,

The dust will follow you.

And you'll be hungry.

and thirst.

You can't write a poem.

He'll be quiet all night long.

while your people are asleep,

just you

be awake

for all

Don't sleep.

You have not been given to sleep:

in the long night of your people

As for the two sisters, they had given themselves to the candle.

You will be

living word,

living and bitter word.

The word will no longer exist.

a man who recognizes the punishment of his country.

It's a silence.

You'll stop counting the syllables,

make the tie cord.

In bitter powder

You will be a people that advances,

for life, for nations,

a condition of alteination.

Not everything will be, however,


Because it says the right word.

and at the right time.

And you won't say it

With the intention of anthology,

it shall be expressed sincerely,


without thinking about the future,

If it's not for your people.

You might be ordered.

Maybe they're laughing.

You may denounce it.

They're just nonsense.

If it's not a people, it can't be anything

It's awareness.


And you, with distress, will choose.

After your severe silence

You move forward safely.