The public schools of Sakana will celebrate the 21st of April the school that joins the town
  • Sakana has fifteen municipalities and nine public schools. They are the popular schools within the Creando Association and the school and the people, united, “this is the basis of the Educational System that we want and dream for the Creando Association: a school that responds to the needs of the people and, at the same time, contributes to the transformation of the people, to a more just society”. On the 21st of April, the Fiesta Creando con Escuelas Populares Sakana will be held in Etxarri.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2018ko apirilaren 11

“Take Action with Us” is the motto chosen by the San Donato de Etxarri school for this year’s festivity. “It’s a call to collaboration, to come together and influence.” The festival was born ten years ago with the aim of “making known and loving the Basque and public school that the people have”. “At that time the popular school in Etxarri was underestimated and in an attempt to find clarity, among other things, we organized this party. Starting again this year from another situation, we have taken the witness and with the collaboration of parents and the community we have prepared a beautiful party with courage, effort and enthusiasm”, explains the management team of San Donato. “Today – they add – San Donato is a Basque, public, inclusive, innovative and popular school committed to the well-being of its students”.

You can read the full programme at this address.