Only 14% of promised COVID-19 vaccines have been delivered to impoverished countries
  • The report presented by the People Vaccine’s Alliance, which brings together more than 70 international organizations, points out that 1.3% of the population of impoverished countries has received all the doses. The pharmaceutical and the most enriched countries have been found guilty of the accumulation of vaccines, according to the NGO.
Leire Artola Arin 2021eko urriaren 27a
Covax erakundea ari da txertoaren banaketa parekidea egoteko lanean. / Argazkia: Argentinako Osasun Ministerioa

The People Vaccine’s Alliance has released the A of Mergers reality report, which shows the status of the COVID-19 vaccine in the world. The coalition consists of organizations such as Oxfam, ActionAid or Amnesty International, among others. According to the report, the enriched countries committed to allocating 1.8 billion doses to the poorest countries, but only EUR 261 million has been reached. They hold the representatives of the G20 accountable, where nineteen countries account for 85% of the world’s wealth.

The coalition has denounced that the pandemic is dragging on longer than necessary because the availability of vaccines is not equal for all. The blame lies with pharmaceutical companies and rich countries. In fact, what they initially committed is nothing; the document clarifies that only one of the seven prescribed doses has been received.

The United Kingdom, which pledged $100 million, has given less than 10%. Canada promised to deliver 40 million doses, but has only given 8%. The United States is the country with the most vaccines (EUR 1.1 billion), although it accounts for only 16% of what it has agreed. The coalition also stresses that Covax has failed, an organization that works for an equitable distribution of vaccines. Political leaders have already said 994 million doses would be administered to Covax, but at the moment 120 million, or 12%, have been received.