Endesa is behind the project that aims to install five windmills on the boundaries between Hernani, Arano and Elduain
  • Enigma Green Power has requested "prior administrative authorization" for the implementation of the wind project called "Ikatz Gane". You want to install 5 windmills. The sole owner of Enigma Green Power is Arena Green Power, whose posts include Endesa.
Estitxu Eizagirre @eeizagirre 2024ko maiatzaren 24a
Enigma Green Powerrek eman dituen koordenatuak mapan kokatu ditu makroproiektuen aurkako militante batek. Itxuraz, proiektuak Hernani, Arano eta Elduaiengo lurrak hartuko ditu.

Enigma Green Power 26, S.L.U. requests "prior administrative authorisation" for the construction of the wind power plant called "Ikatz Gane". This was announced by the Official Gazette of the Basque Country on 23 May. This opens the deadline for submitting the request for competition to the other companies within 20 days.

According to the announcement, Enigma Green Power intends to install 5 windmills with a total gross power of 33 MW. This announcement of the Official Gazette of the Basque Country indicates that the project will be developed in the municipal terms of Hernani and provides concrete coordinates.

A militant against macro-projects placed these coordinates on the map and in his message to the media indicates that it seems that the project will cover the lands of Hernani, Arano and Elduaien: "On the Zaldi-Mandoegi line the Etzala and Azketa mountains, and on the border with Hernani-Arano the Garagartza and Mireunazin highlands. The plant does not amount to Pulimet and Mandoegi."

Enigma Green Power 26, SLU is actually Arena Green Power

Enigma Green Power is a unipersonal and seduced society, located in Seville and founded in 2021. Its only partner is Arena Green Power, S.L., as you can read in the BORME on August 17, 2021 (the photo below is that from there).

Arena Green Power, based in Madrid, was born in 2021. It is a complex network of 591 companies, each named after a number (Arena Green Power 2, or 2, or …).

As you can read in BORME, Arena Green Power 1 holds among its positions Enel Green Power España S.L., Endesa S.A. and Endesa Generacion S.A. The only administrator is Shark Power, S.L., represented by Guillermo Gómez Gómez since August 2022.

As can be read in Article 2 of the statutes of Arena Green Power 1, "the Company aims at the development, construction, assembly, commissioning, operation and maintenance of renewable energy plants, as well as the production and sale of electricity obtained through their exploitation".