In Hendaia Kotte Ezenarro reheads the socialist list
  • Kotte EZENARRO will continue in the mayor of Hendaia obtaining 1,717 votes, ahead of Pascal Destrohauten, who has won 1,367 votes.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko ekainaren 28a
Ezenarrok irabazi du berriz ere Hendaian. (Gaizka Iroz)

Hendaia’s Abertzales have once again repeated the alliance, which had already been formed for the first time in 2014. The left-wing list Hendaia Biltzen, led by Laetitia Navarro, has joined the list of Socialists Kotte Escarro, who wins in the first round with 41.08% of the votes. Pascal Destrohaute (32.71% on the first lap) has been the most outstanding contestant in the history of Euskal Herria.

The scenario was expected to continue in the city hall, as it secured the support of the last communist stop, Laurent Tariol, in exchange for two chairs for the village house.