The Mayor of Hendaia expels the four elected officials of Hendaia Biltzen from the municipal government
  • The mayor of Hendaia, Kotte Ezenarro, has reported on the decision to expel Hendaia Biltzen from the municipal government because without confidence he cannot cooperate. Hendaia Biltzen, for his part, has already announced that he does not wish to remain bound by the absolute majority of the Catalan political parties.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko apirilaren 20a
Kotte Ezenarro (Argazkia: Gaizka Iroz)

In a press release this Tuesday, Hendaia Mayor Kotte Ezenarro announced that he will expel the elected officials of Hendaia Biltzen from the municipal government. According to URL0, EZENARRO, in its message to the press, "has signed the decree to remove Hendaia Biltzarra from the four delegates that were given in 2020 by a municipal majority". In addition, he will also replace the members of Hendaia Biltzen, Deputy Mayor on the local council on 27 April.

"I am sorry to have to come to this, but it has become impossible for me and the majority of the city to work with these elected people in confidence. Our electoral agreement was established with a clear commitment to the political guidelines and norms of any municipal majority". The mayor opened a note to the press with these words, in which he specified three of the reasons for the breakdown. On the one hand, Hendaia Biltzen has perceived as "a challenge" the lack of support for the budgets of 2021 and 2022, "the main political action that cites a majority". In addition, he accused the Abertzales of acting without freedom of expression "on suspicion that they have been waiting for external slogans before giving any opinion." You also mentioned the vote in favour of mistrust and the fact that painful speeches sometimes occur.

The members of Hendaia Biltzen are scheduled to meet next week, according to Naiz. However, they have submitted a note setting out their views on the current situation. "We don't want to remain attached to this municipal majority," they said. They also point out what led them to that position: "Because the mayor has consistently denied meeting with us to talk about disagreement," he added. As they have pointed out, they have wanted to debate with the majority of the City Hall or directly with the mayor, but they have received negatives on the return and have run out of hearing that the projects they support are underway, while they do not see progress in concretization.

Specifically, according to Naiz, there have been several issues that have led to the most discrepancies between them, with the housing plan and the recovery of farmland being one of the heaviest.