Vagina Shadow(iko)
Group: The Mud Flowers.
The actors: Araitz Katarain, Janire Arrizabalaga and Izaro Bilbao.
Directed by: by Iraitz Lizarraga.
When: February 2nd.
In which: In the Usurbil Fire Room.
Verse to verse, verse to verse, open the tab. The microphone, that’s where life has gone. That’s where life has gone, verse by verse.
Three young bertsolaris have created and embodied this play about the tremors and responsibilities that the verse of bertsolarismo entails. Rhymes and melody, knowledge and context. Microphone and voice. The competition. The competition. The call. The call. Complexes, looks, background, pressure, fame and applause. An obsession with her. The drink. The drink. Medal and trophy. Masks, courage and zeal. The world of verse, to the point of being magical, has a way.
The experiences are told in first person, since the idea was born during the lunch of the Women’s Encounters of the Verse World in Bizkaia, while they were talking about their impatience, as reported in They have ventured out of the comfort zone and have dared to confuse two artistic disciplines, a way to overcome the coercion of the verse and give it to the body, since there are many ways of speaking, as well as of being seen and heard.
Support without microphone and background that provides shade. Those were the elements used. A simple scenography, but full of importance. The usual objects used in the verse world have been transformed and used at will. They have also shown the back of the stage and the extent to which the path to the microphone is in one’s mind and body.
As I said, this work combines tradition with the dynamics of contemporary theater. More and more, in the world of verse, there are creators who are encouraged to transcend the limits of the structure: musical verses, new melodies, games... In this work all the dialogues have been sung, but there are other expressions. As well as that. However, there are some limitations to the combination of bertsolarismo and theater. Despite the obvious energy and passion of the performers, this type of narrative divides the story as if they were struggling to find a common ground between the two disciplines. This means that some moments are less magical, distancing the public, especially for those who are not used to bertsolarismo. When you accept it, there is also the possibility of taking the beautiful and tightening up the relationship between the interlocutors again. Having said this, it is clear that the strongest point of the three founders is the word, since they have sought their natural beauty to tell their desires.
With all this, the public is invited to reflect. These include the burden of being a public face, being considerate, rejecting the body, the pressure of competition, family, being young and new, choosing, proposing or accepting melodies, winning and not winning, and being and not being. How to leave what is superficial in a superficial structure? It is, without a doubt, a testimony of resilience and creativity.