During the event, several organizers spoke about the trajectory of Redadega, which is no longer so young, congratulating the Breton society for its achievements over the last ten years. They recalled how some Bretons who had previously clung to the Basque Country, began to build their dream back home and thus the first Redadega was born in 2008, which would travel 600 kilometres. Thus, 10 years and 5,000 kilometers later, the march that has developed its own life and character maintains its sisterhood with the Basque Country, they continue to give strength to each other.
Both have their similarities in the claims; there is an adrenaline rush for the speakers of the last Celtic language spoken on the continent, and for those who do not master the language, a motivation to learn it; there is, of course, a clear demand for the official language; or, a demand for a reconstitution based on historical and political signs of the Breton region (four of the five departments that consider them Breton are officially part of the region). But above all, there is an attempt to make visible a reality, a Breton lives matter, both for the State and for the rest of the population of Brittany.
Here we can see the V. The song of Redadega:
Having arrived on the continent in the 5th and 7th centuries, the Breton language began to lose its strength from the Middle Ages, leaving its mark on every step of the way back. This is how Galician was born, a Romanesque language influenced by the Breton language. Today, there are about four million inhabitants, and there are 200,000 who speak Breton and another 200,000 who speak Galician. However, on either side of the linguistic frontier, it is impossible for them to live in these languages. In addition, the majority of speakers are over 60 years old. Once again, breton lives matter.
And in this situation, what would be the way out? The sudden overcoming of the complexes created by French centralism in the older generations? Let concerned parents lead their children to learn a language they have not learned themselves? Keep the language or lose it, let the young men carry the responsibility behind their backs? At the moment several questions and some answers, and a few steps forward, running: Assisted by Redadeg.