Use the consolidation of 119 administrative posts because they have a linguistic profile
  • LAB warns that the path followed to stabilize the 119 temporary workers of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa can be canceled because they have submitted an appeal for the implementation of the linguistic profile. LAB and ELA convene a rally on February 16 in Donostia.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko otsailaren 15a
Oldarraldi judizialak kolpe asko izan ditu. Argazkian Laudioko elkarretaratze bat. Argazkia: Kontseilua.

The trade union department of LAB of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa has warned of the fact. The union says that it has appealed to a Navarre politician who has been in the United Left leadership competition in Navarra, with the help of a lawyer from Bilbao. They use the bases already approved for the stabilization of 119 administrative staff for the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. They argue that linguistic profiles have been established in all jobs. The linguistic profiles of 2 and 3 were established.

LAB stresses that the appeal has been made at the end of the process, i.e. after the publication of the final list of 119 workers. The union says that “if the judges were to follow the same line they have been doing to date, an important group of these vasco-speaking workers, once they got the job, should leave, opening doors to monolingual Castilian speaking workers who would not respect the linguistic option of citizenship and their peers”.

LAB will appeal to the courts and stand as a co-plainer. It calls on the workers concerned who have participated in the stabilisation process to do the same.

LAB and ELA underline that the recurring person has not participated in the stabilization process and is not a worker of the Provincial Council. They say that judicial aggression is continuing and that the nightmare is continuing. The two unions ask about the intention behind these actions. On the other hand, they denounce the violation of the linguistic rights of Basque citizens and workers.

Concentration on 16 February

LAB and ELA call the workers of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, political officials and Basque agents to meet in front of the palace on Friday 16 February at 10:00 in Gipuzkoa Square in Donostia.