Key to understanding the new electricity tariff that comes into force today in Hegoalde
  • The new electricity tariffs enter into force in Hego Euskal Herria on 1 June. In this news we have gathered the explanations given by the cooperative Goiener to understand the new tariffs. The new tariffs have defined three timescales for energy consumption: depression (the cheapest), the plain and the tip (the most expensive). With these new tariffs will we pay more or less home and small business light? According to Goiener, "in general, those contracts that have a 2.0A rate (without hourly discrimination) will pay less and those that have a 2.0DHA rate (hourly discrimination) will pay more with the modification", but he has specified that this is a general trend and that within it the economic impact of each will be different.
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The fare change comes from a European Union directive and is state-wide. Why have they changed the rate? As explained by Goiener: "The idea is to improve efficiency in the use of transport and distribution networks and to seek a balance between them. In those times when there is more demand, the network is overloaded, so in those times we pay more energy. On the contrary, at times when there is less demand, the burden is low, so we will pay cheaper."

Possibility of contracting two power tranches

Power is the number of devices you can use at the same time and is measured in kW units. For domestic and small business contracts, it will always be less than 15 kW, but the new rate allows you to contract two sections of power depending on the hours: one tip (the most expensive, from 08:00 to 00:00) and another depth (the cheapest, from 00:00 to 08:00, holidays and weekends). According to Goiener's advice, "it may be interesting to have a different power if you use it to charge electric thermo or electric car during nights and weekends."

Cheaper and expensive rates have an unchanging schedule

The energy is the accumulated consumption in a time and is measured in kWh. Citizens are accustomed to flat (intermediate) rates, tips (the most expensive) and honest (the cheapest), with these new rates they will not be able to choose the time, that is, the rate of each hour of the day is set:

On weekends and holidays, all hours are a depression, that is, the cheapest. Between the week, the depression is from 00:00 to 8:00 in the morning (the cheapest); the most expensive hours (tip) are from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 18:00 to 00:00. And the average price is 8:00 to 10:00, 14:00 to 18:00 and 22:00 to 00:00.

How to save?

According to Goiener, "the timetable for the new fee is not designed for consumers to save on the bill. However, consumers who take advantage of the new hourly discrimination will pay less, bringing our consumptions to the cheapest time, so that they cannot consume them in peak hours as much as possible".