The pensioners of Hego Euskal Herria have created a coordinator: The Present
  • The event took place at the Europe Palace of the Basque capital in Vitoria-Gasteiz. The pensioners' associations of Hego Euskal Herria have created the coordinator Gaurgeroa.
Lander Arbelaitz Mitxelena @larbelaitz 2019ko apirilaren 09a
Pentsiodunek Gaurgeroa koordinakundea sortu dute. (Argazkia: Jaizki Fontaneda)

The following actors participated in the meeting: Pensioners of Álava at Work, Pensioners of Bizkaia on the March, Pensioners of Gipuzkoa and Pensioners of Navarra on the March. After the creation of the Coordinator, they have announced that they will have four spokespersons, each country will have its own. In this regard, they have ensured that the path taken and the demands will be maintained to date.

They call for a minimum pension of EUR 1,080 and an automatic increase in pensions depending on the real price increase. In addition, they have called for the repeal of the labour reform and a minimum wage of EUR 1,200, as well as the end of the wage gap between men and women, such as the wage gap.