They say that the situation of the industry of Hego Euskal Herria is "worrying" about the restrictions on energy consumption
  • At the moment, they do not believe that the activity will be interrupted. There are still four nuclear reactors in France for corrosion problems. France is expected to produce about 60% of the electricity generated in recent years.
Maddi Viana Zubimendi @maddi76_ 2022ko abuztuaren 26a
Iurretako paper fabrika. Argazkia:

Companies have been reducing their energy consumption for years, between 2010 and 2020 the Araba, Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa industries have reduced their energy consumption by 37%, according to Berria. However, the industry is the sector that consumes the most energy in Hego Euskal Herria, with 35% of the total, and most of the gas, with 43%. They do not expect cuts and days to be suspended, at least by the administration.

In addition, companies claim that the consequences of cuts “right now and by stroke” can be tremendous. The Secretary General of the Chemical Industry Association AVEQ, Luis Blanco Urgoiti, has reported that an even greater decrease in production would affect product prices: “We should sell more expensive, which, among other things, would strengthen the inflationary trend.” It also stresses that the consequences may not only be economic, but also social, because they would also affect employment.

France has less energy

EDF reports that in Franzia the four nuclear reactors will be stopped due to corrosion problems, according to Berria. It should be noted that of the 56 reactors in France, 32 are inactive. EDF forecasts indicate that the production of 280 and 300 teraths per hour will accumulate during 2022, only about 60% of the electricity generated by France in recent years.