Miguel Díaz and Rodrigo Panero have been conducting surveys on republic and monarchy since 2017, at least once a year. They say they want to analyze the “evolution”, for example the influence of the polemics of the return of Juan Carlos, king emeritus of Spain.
The population of Hego Euskal Herria has been the first population of the state. 84% of Gipuzkoans prefer the Republic and remain at the head of the state. 79% of Biscayan people bet on the Republic and stay in second place. The Navarros and Alaveses have equated the result, 72% prefer the republic and have remained in fourth and fifth place throughout the state.
They have also analysed the results according to the voters of the political parties. The first posts have been: EH Bildu, Geroa Bai and PNV. 100% of EH Bildu and Geroa Bai voters are Republicans; 99.7% of PNV voters prefer the republic to the monarchy.