In Hego Euskal Herria 66 people died from the heat in August
  • In the Spanish state, 1,386 people died from overheating in August, 3% more than in August last year, in the framework of the III Carlos Congress of the Ministry of Health. Based on the data provided by the Institute. In the CAV 44 people have died, while in Navarra 22 deaths have been recorded.
ARGIA @argia 2024ko irailaren 03a
Hainbat ikerketak erakutsi duenez, beroaren ondorioak gogorragoak dira auzo pobreetan, aberatsetan baino. / Miguel Angel Prieto Ciudad

Most of the deaths occurred in the first half of August. 810 women have died and 577 men have been killed by separatists in the capital of Libya. Almost all (1,339) were over 65 years of age.

Precisely, on 22 August we announced the results of an investigation: The heat will triple the death of the elderly in Europe in 2100. That is what the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre has concluded, if the current forecasts on increasing global warming are met. According to the UN, by the end of the century the temperature will increase by 3 degrees compared to the beginning of the twentieth century.

According to Inmaculada Leon-Gomez, a researcher at the Instituto Carlos III, the results are analyzed in the longer term, but "although it cannot be guaranteed, there seems to be an upward trend with regard to heat-attributable mortality". He added that, although preventive measures are being taken, heat is being "quite extreme" compared to other years. The increase in temperatures does not mean, however, that more deaths will occur. For example, in 2003, with an average temperature of 23.6 degrees, 12,919 people lost their lives due to heat. Two decades later, with a similar average, the number of deaths decreased by 83%.

Higher incidence in slums

The researcher hopes that the population will gradually adapt to high temperatures, but that the increase will be so great that some, especially the most vulnerable, such as those over 65 years of age. The economic situation also has to do with mortality, since, as has been seen in several studies, the influence of heat is greater in poor neighborhoods than in the rich ones. In an interview with El Español, the high school professor Julio Díaz stated that "it is not the same as a heat wave goes through a room without air conditioning as a house with a pool".