Slowing down growth, a problem or an objective?
Ainhoa Etxaide Amorrortu 2022ko apirilaren 21a
NDFko komunikazio burua eta zuzendaria munduko ekonomiaren inguruko agerraldian (irudia: NDF)

They talked about the major institutions of capital at the global level and announced what they expected: that economic growth will slow down, that government forecasts will not be met and that “the new economic crisis” will take the form of unemployment and poverty for workers. This is not a new crisis, but one more example of the system’s powerlessness to emerge from the structural crisis.

Iñigo Urkullu already said that the Aberri Eguna is not the time to demand from the public sector what it does not have for him. Everyone will have to face up to what comes with their own resources. And let's make no mistake, beyond what we've seen in the environment during the holidays, the reality we don't see is for more and more.

Those who have lost the opportunity to save, those who have difficulty meeting their basic needs in the market, the workers who have been left without the capacity to resist, the women who are economically punished for care … and the institutions that have given the market the basic economic structures to deal with all this.

Slowing down economic growth is not bad news in itself. In fact, it should be a political goal, at a time when they want us to get used to world wars of natural resource control. The well-being linked to growth has borne fruit, many of us agree on the diagnosis.

What we lack are agreements and alliances to build a system based on redistribution and the sustainable life model. There's staff, there's proposals, there's reasons to walk down that road. The day after Aberri Eguna, soon May First.