Elections and authoritarianism in Russia
  • In 2020, the twenty-fourth time Vladimir Putin has come to the presidency of the government. On the anniversary, the Russian political system began a transition that changed the prime minister and reformed the regime. A new stage opens after the fall of the Soviet Union. We do not know very well how the transition has ended, but it is already underway and Putin and United Russia are clear that they want to have design and development fully controlled, they are not prepared to negotiate and share with anyone the rules and the competitive framework.
Asier Blas Mendoza @AxiBM 2021eko urriaren 01a
Protestari komunistak kartel batekin Vladimir Putinen “kanporatze agindua” adierazten, “interes nazionalei traizioa\" egiteagatik, Mosku, 2012ko maiatzaren 1a. Iturria: Wikipedia. Egilea: Bogomolov.PL