The Parliament of Vitoria-Gasteiz is concerned about the difficulties in detecting cases of sexual abuse of minors. The main concern is the complexity of identifying cases, treating them appropriately and bringing them to justice, according to Naiz. The committee has produced a report proposing a number of recommendations and measures to deal with the problem.
The report highlights the need to review and update existing protocols in institutions, such as Osakidetza, educational institutions, the Ertzaintza and even the judicial system, with the possibility of creating specific courts for these cases.
The new protocols have been approved by the PNV, EH Bildu, PSE-EE, Elkarrekin Podemos and PP in the Parliamentary Committee. According to Parliament's sources, after being transferred to Parliament's plenary session, they hope that it will be adopted at Parliament's sitting on 23 November.
Recommendations submitted
The report highlights the possibility of establishing restorative justice. It also stresses the importance of providing specific reparation measures for victims, such as official recognition of the damage suffered and, in some cases, financial compensation. In addition, it is suggested the creation of a public system that allows universal access to specialized therapeutic treatments for victims of abuse in childhood or adolescence.