The most repeated gender stereotypes in advertisements targeting children
  • Internet ads for toys reproduce more gender roles and stereotypes than television ads. This is one of the conclusions of the report drawn up by the Audiovisual Council of Catalonia. They have listed the ten most recurring stereotypes, as discovering their presence is the first step to breaking the roles.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2022ko ekainaren 21a

1- Gender conditioned by the action. That is, most actions performed by girls and women respond to female stereotypes, while the actions of men and boys respond to male stereotypes.

2- Benign, sweetened and passive view of products aimed at girls.

3- A violent and powerful view of products aimed at children, linked to adventure and risk.

4- Discriminatory use of language. For example, in 41% of the videos studied in which girls are the protagonists use diminutives.

5- Stereotypes that stereotype. That boys and girls or the father and mother face each other does not mean that stereotypes are broken, sometimes the opposite happens (“Amatxo, which has easily won you by the dad, you have lost it again”).

6- Paternalism and parental authority. The report mentions an announcement in which the father has a very patriarchal attitude, due to girls seeking their consent.

7- Imposed motherhood and care linked to a specific model. When a symbolic game is represented, girls usually appear taking care of the dolls giving a bottle to the doll, filling and putting a pacifier, trying to sleep in the chair…

8- Promotion of hegemonic masculinity. Advertising aimed at boys in which values related to competition, violence and risk predominate.

9- Aesthetic pressure on ads targeted specifically at girls.

10- Child Sexuality. Messages that appear on different t-shirts, Viking for 4-year-old girls with boobs, uncomfortable suits, clothes that sexualize the waist and breasts…