The Spanish Government is considering letting children out on the street
  • Gabriel Rufián, ERC Member of the European Parliament, asked the Spanish Minister of Health whether children will be able to go out to the streets to ensure a minimum leisure time such as that which has been done in Italy. Minister Salvador Illa has stated that the government will not commit itself to this, but that "this possibility is being studied".
Axier Lopez @axierL 2020ko apirilaren 03a
Italian haurrak ateratzen hasi dira aire zabalera. Argazkia: EFE

The Spanish Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, has not wanted to move ahead, but he has assured that the government is working "for future scenarios" to overcome the situation of hard confinement. In a hearing before the Health Committee of the Congress of Deputies, the minister said that "in some places the summit of those infected by the coronavirus has been exceeded".

The date of 11 April, when the state of alarm will cease if there is no extension, has been set by the Minister of Health as a milestone in explaining the steps to be taken. So he says that the data they're going to have will be decisive. If the curve of the infected “has gone down enough”, children could go outside at a certain time and adults would go back to sport. In this sense, Illa has explained that they have that possibility on the table and cannot be discarded. However, he insisted that the Government of Spain is in an "initial stage of analysis" in this area and "the first thing to do is to ensure that the contagion is not repeated".