Children can go for a walk on Sunday in Hego Euskal Herria and also go to the beach
  • The measures taken by the Spanish Government to alleviate the confinement of children will enter into force on Sunday at 9:00 and not on Monday. The information on this issue has been confusing, as has many other points. For example, you can also go to the beach, if you have one kilometer from your house, and the mask is not obligatory, but recommended.
Axier Lopez @axierL 2020ko apirilaren 23a
Argazkia: RTVE

The Spanish Government has announced the publication of an explanatory guide, but in the meantime it has disseminated the following specific rules:

- Children (0-14 years) will be accompanied by an adult (over 18 years). The adult doesn't have to be a parent.

- With the adult, up to three children can go.

- Each child will be able to leave once a day for one hour.

- Departure time is from 9:00 to 21:00 hours. The Government recommends that rush hours be avoided.

- The maximum permitted distance is a distance of one kilometre from the child's place of residence.

- They can come out with toys or skates. They will not be able to use playgrounds or common areas.

- The Department of Health recommends that children keep the interpersonal distance in the walks and wash their hands thoroughly.

- The use of child face masks is not mandatory, but it is recommended when the two previous recommendations cannot be complied with.

- They will be able to walk through the forests or beaches under the conditions and recommendations above.

- With regard to common areas of neighbouring communities, children will not be able to share toys or use facilities that other children use.

- Children between the ages of 15 and 18 can go out to the street to perform the activities that adults performed during the state of alarm: shopping in supermarket, pharmacy, going to the bank...

- Pablo Iglesias has made it clear that you will not have to go for a walk with the family book in your hand, emphasizing the "civic sense of citizenship". It can be understood that there will be no police control, even though the amount of fines of recent weeks, for the time being, is not credible.