Congress for surrogate pregnancy in Bilbao rejected
  • Women and I Surrogate Maternity. The International Congress has met Azkuna Zentroa to begin. They denounce the “commodification of reproduction” and claim the “end of the rented stomachs”. Itaia organizes the meeting.
Aitor Gurrutxaga Muñagorri 2023ko uztailaren 21a
Elkarretaratzea Azkuna Zentro parean (Bilbo) Kongresuaren hasieran / Argazkia: Itaia

On Thursday, the I Contract for Women and Surrogate Maternity began. International Congress in Bilbao, where dozens of people have concentrated to denounce the “attempt to bleach” the stomachs for rent. According to Itaia, it is the basis of the existence of the reproduction market, reinforcing the “oppression of women” and the “trafficking of children”.

The Spanish Government has explained that there is no change despite the prohibition of this practice, as it may become pregnant outside the Spanish State and enroll the child in it. It denounces that the companies in charge of this achieved profits of 150,000 million euros in 2022 and that they organise initiatives such as ‘Black Friday’ to make the service cheaper.

Poverty and business

The worst economic conditions of most pregnant women stand out. They explain that “mafia practices” often occur, such as the default of what was agreed and the harsh nine-month pregnancies.