Call in Pamplona for free 0-3 courses of children's education
  • Through the concentration held on Saturday before the Parliament of Navarra, the Navarre platform 0-3 has denounced the discrimination suffered by the children of this cycle in relation to the other educational cycles.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko otsailaren 22a
Sarasate pasealekuan egin zen bilkura. (Argazkia: Nafarroako 0-3 plataforma),

The mobilization has denounced the violation of children’s rights in many ways, such as “being violated when the inhumane and dangerous ratios living in children’s schools are not lowered”, or when educators have a precarious and stressful working situation, when working group meetings are boycotted or, among other things, “when families have to pay an expensive and elitist rate for public education”.

The people of the platform have been claiming for years the gratuitousness of all childhood education, although stage 0-3 is not obligatory, for having their own structure and curricular development, “and we denounce again and again the discrimination between a Second Universal Cycle and an expensive and elitist First Cycle”.

They denounce that in the government agreement signed three courses ago by the PSN, Geroa Bai, Podemos and I-E, it was agreed to move towards gratuity and universality, but that the families of Navarre have not seen any cuts in enrolments. "We cannot understand how the PSN, through political blackmail, has achieved gratuity in children's schools in Pamplona, while the government's PSN looks elsewhere. The government’s irresponsibility today directly affects the economy of families.”

The new Spanish education law LOM LOE says that we all have the right to school success and basic education and that the differences experienced in the first years will be decisive for the future development of young people. Therefore, “increasing public economic spending on children’s schools is an investment of the future. The PSN has to look in the eye, honestly, at 0-3, and it has to devote 5% of the GDP they proudly say to this educational stage.”

Photo: Platform 0-3 Navarra
Photo: Platform 0-3 Navarra.