The Government initially approves the Sectoral Territorial Plan for Renewable Energy
  • The order signed by Arantza Tapia on 27 April was published in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country on 10 May. This Sectoral Territorial Renewable Energy Plan aims to make 40% of total energy consumption renewable by 2030 and to "total decarbonisation of the economy" by 2050. There is a period of 45 days to present opinions and arguments.
ARGIA @argia 2023ko maiatzaren 10a
Mapan berdez ageri direnak dira Energia Berriztagarrien Planak zentral eolikoak jartzeko \"egoki\" izendatu dituenak.

Mentioning the objectives of the European Union, the order signed by Tapia says that they want 40% of total energy consumption to be renewable by 2030 and that "by 2050 the economy will be completely decarded".

Some energy and material experts have already made it clear to me whether it is possible to decarbonise the current economic model completely. Antonio Turiel has just given a conference on this in San Sebastian, here is the full audiovisual.

The recent Sectoral Plan, which was initially approved, states that the achievement of these objectives "will undoubtedly require the territorial extension of the facilities for the exploitation of renewable energy sources, which must necessarily be greater in the coming years". The Department of Arantza Tapia has developed this Sectoral Plan to order the facilities of these renewable plants, and ensures that these facilities are "compatible" with the landscape, cultural heritage, socio-economic environment, safety and health or environmental values.

Mapping of "appropriate areas" for the location of plants according to the renewable energy plan

Here, in the "Initial Lap Version" section, maps of all dimensions are shown showing which are the "exclusive spaces" in which each type of renewable energy cannot be implemented according to the plan, and which are the "appropriate areas" in which plants can be installed for each type of renewable energy according to the plan.

Positive and negative impacts of this plan according to the environmental study

According to the order signed by Tapia, "the Director of Environmental Quality and Circular Economy issued a Resolution on April 25, 2023, which formulates the document of scope of the strategic environmental study of the Basque Sectoral Territorial Plan for Renewable Energies" (resolution not available on the Legegunea portal).

Javier Aguirre Orcajo, Director of Environmental Quality and Circular Economy, is available on the Government portal all the documents of the "Process of Elaboration of the Basque Sectoral Territorial Plan for Renewable Energy". According to this initial version of the Environmental Survey, the benefits of the renewable energy plan are: "The air quality of climate change and the social sectors will benefit the most from the deployment of renewable energy, thanks to the reduction of emissions in electricity production and the generation of associated employment niches (design, sale, production, implementation, advice, research...)".

On the contrary, the initial version of the Environmental Study indicates that the Renewable Plan can have a "negative impact" on the following natural resources "in the case of duly planned developments": landscape, habitat vegetation, fauna or space connectivity.

On 20 May they were called to mobilize under the motto "Euskal Herria Bizirik in defense of the territory"

The debate on the quality and location of renewable energies is boiling, as the government is publishing new projects that are giving the green light. The groups that have been formed in different localities have launched talks and other initiatives and among them have convened a joint demonstration for 20 May in Vitoria-Gasteiz.