Chronicle of the political week: PNV rally
The short road to pride
Gorka Peñagarikano Goikoetxea 2024ko apirilaren 08a
Joseba Egibar, Azkoitian: "Popatik dabil ezker abertzalea, baina harroputzak bide motza izaten du".

The PNV has held the first multitudinous political meeting of the first weekend of the campaign in Azkoitia. Not everywhere: Xabier Arzallus was born in front of the house, in the square where the sculpture of Oteiza is located. In the last ten years the PNV has sent to the people, but the most enthusiastic nationalists have not forgotten the time that EH Bildu ruled. Imanol Pradales, who was also going to be from Santurtzi, seems to remember: “You know here what it is to do things without direction.”

For lack of direction or planning in the attached cafeteria. It seemed that the staff didn't know it was going to have that Saturday morning. They've been hit very hard in the half hour before the mitine, because they've brought out the coffees in broth with ice-filled cups to the Pretorian nationalist classics that have come to power. In line, at least twice the song "Map of a New World" by the Pirates of San Sebastian has been heard... They have been stuck with the song, and there has been a curious parallelism. While the Diario Vasco did not stay in the bar, Berria had one on the terrace, but it seemed brought home. Throughout the morning of the wild south wind, to the roof of the terrace, dozens of people have turned to assemble a lot. Below the stone are also the fans of Athletic, some of them too.

The event began with the opening of bars and about a hundred people have consumed the full and front sun throughout the event. In Spanish, face of the sun, yes. In search of the light, the public begins to rise when Imanol Pradales, Bakartxo Tejeria and Joseba Egibar begin to enter the plaza. With the applause, people have moved plastic flags over epic music.

The first to go to the lectern has been Teism, which as a child sports party, has set such a well-known goal. We must put the ball there. In other words, vote for the PNV. In the lines of the following minutes it can be understood that it fails in the calculations for the end: the tactic is not bad in itself, but there are few people able to play. Many players haven't changed t-shirt, they haven't gone to EH Bildu or PP, but call your friend who's in doubt, who's about to stay home, and convince him. That is literally the intention, Ortuzar said a few days earlier, and Pradales has ratified it in Azkoitia: that every nationalist pledges to convince a doubtful one.

Egibar has also joined the game and offered such an accustomed show in Azkoitia. Without papers, in his style, he has timber EH Bildu. No reference to the PSE-EE, as if it did not exist. He says that one has to decide between the “catastrophism” of the Abertzale left and the “truth and democracy” of the nationalists, between these two models. And he has left a phrase that has remained in the memory of the journalists who have been there: “The Abertzale left walks through the stern, but pride has a short path. We are proud, we accept the mistakes of the past and we want to move forward.”

Instead, Pradales, who is already running out of white shirts, plays a concrete role: to ask for patience and to curb minds. Its goal is to convey confidence without provoking crispation and with many boring words. He wears the white shirt inside the jeans to convey transparency, and now, when he puts a specific washing machine of them, he will dress in the next few days to Athletic who has just ironing. Like a good Biscayan, this year’s shirt isn’t the one you saw another year’s t-shirt (there will be more than one to photograph with the Petronor sponsored). There are good days for the PNV; until the Gabarra's hakes, what electoral promise manages to hang in Teleberri something above Athletic.