The High Court of Justice of the Spanish State admits the appeal against the rapprochement of the Basque prisoner Harriet Iragi
  • After the transfer of the prisoner Harriet Iragi from the prison of Castellón to the prison of Logroño, the president of Dignity and Justice, appealed against the rapprochement. The Spanish High Court of Justice has admitted the appeal.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko ekainaren 16a
Hainbat manifestari euskal presoak euskal herriratzearen aldeko banderola eskutan, euskal presoen alde urtero egin ohi den mobilizazioan (Argazkia: Dani Blanco)

In March, the Spanish Penitentiary Institution approved the approach of the Basque dam Harriet Iragi from the Castellón prison to the Logroño prison. The decision was appealed by the President of Dignity and Justice, Daniel Portero, and has recently been admitted by the Spanish High Court of Justice. Within twenty days he has asked the Spanish Ministry of the Interior to inform him of the transfer of the victim.

Iragi has been in prison for 19 years and since 2012 has been serving a sentence in Castellón prison, 575 kilometers from Euskal Herria.