Painted in the Santiago Abascal family store of Amurrio
  • The family store of the leader of the ultra-right party Santiago Abascal Vox in Amurrio has been painted this Saturday night and several stone launches. In this regard, several parties have denounced the aggression. The Ertzaintza has announced that it is investigating what has happened.
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The mother and sister of the president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, today denounced that they have been painted and thrown stones at their clothing store in Amurrio (Álava).

Abascal has spread the complaint through social media, through images from his store. As seen in them: In the far-right party leader's family store, they've written the phrase "Let's see if you like this, fascist."

PNV and EH Bildu condemn the action

The PNV has publicly condemned and condemned the aggression and has expressed its "solidarity with the people who have threatened it in the attacks". The Jeltzale training has reiterated its "commitment to dialogue" as "the most effective instrument for dialogue, respect for the different, coexistence and peace and freedom".

The municipal group of EH Bildu has also denounced through the social network what happened in the Gipuzkoan locality. He has described as "unacceptable" the "aggression suffered last night by a family from the municipality in a store in the Gipuzkoan locality".

A few hours later, Vox's leader replied that he appreciates the "solidarity samples" he has shown in the face of the attack on the family business, but that he still distinguishes between those statements "the honest" and the "possessions" of those who have "demonised" his family.

PSE-EE and pp declarations

Idoia Mendia, from the PSE-EE, has also been repulsed by the painted paintings. The Vice-President of the Basque Government has considered that attacks on political party seats and private shops "are a sign of intolerance".

For his part, the president of the Basque pp, Carlos Iturgaiz, has stated on social networks that "condemns this appalling and so cowardly assault". "All my support for Santi and his family. We all know in this earth these fundamentalist, fanatical and hooded animals, where they come from and who they are," said the chairman of the Health Committee.