Haritz Mujika wins eighth of Oñati's final
  • On Saturday, the Santa Ana Theatre in Oñati hosted the first quarter-finals eliminatory of the Bertsolaris Championship in Gipuzkoa, after achieving the quarter-finals pass. @bertsozale 2019ko irailaren 16a

The room has been filled. Exhausted tickets for the Bertsolaris Championship in Gipuzkoa, held at the Santa Ana Theatre in Oñati. There the first eighth of the final played the following bertsolaris:

Amaia Iturriotz Etxaniz

Andoni Mujika Izagirre

Aratz Igartzabal Bidegain

Felix Zubia Olaskoaga

Haritz Mujika Lasa

Maider Arrangi Markuleta

Asteasuarra Haritz Mujika was the bertsolari that got the most points, 447 points for 41 points. Therefore, he will sing in the fourth of the final that will be played on 20 October in Irun. That's how Oñati's scores are:

Haritz Mujika Lasa.................447

Maider Arrangi Markuleta...........436

Felix Zubia Olaskoaga...........428.5

Amaia Iturriotz Etxaniz...........416.5

Aratz Igartzabal Bidegain........403

Andoni Mujika Izagirre...........380.5

The presentation work was carried out by Iban Narbaiza Cevidanes and the jury was composed of the following members: Eneritz Azkue Basurko, Karlos Ibarguren Olalde, Leire Beloki Lizarralde, Mikel Lersundi Ayestaran and Mikel Urteaga Azkue. Ane Errazkin Aranburu has also served as secretary.