The eighth edition of Loraldia has been “great and fruitful”
  • The organizers of the festival Loraldia de Cultura Contemporáneo Vasca have made an “absolutely positive” assessment of the recently concluded edition this year. The activities have been able to resume without restrictions and have highlighted the artistic quality with which the festival has had the presence of many artists. @uriolaeus 2022ko martxoaren 30
J Martina talde larrabetzuarrak Loraldia Terminalaren baitan emandako kontzertua (Argazkia: Loraldia Kultur Elkartea)

“Bilbao has become the center and capital of cultural creation in Euskera for three weeks,” said Loraldia Kultur Elkartea in his assessment of the 8th edition of the festival. Although last year's edition was influenced by the pandemic, the chambers have recovered this year and programmed activities have been unrestricted. The response from the public has also been good, and the organizers have been satisfied, as the festival has gathered over 5,300 people, and the occupancy rate of the halls has been 84.5%. In addition, the gardeners that make up the community of friends of the festival have been 166 more than in the previous edition, in total, 1951.

This year’s edition also featured great personalities of Basque culture such as Joseba Sarrionandia, Ruper Ordorika, Bernardo Atxaga, Uxue Alberdi, Amaia Lasa… and many more. A total of 112 artists participated in the eighth edition of the festival, which has left "memorable moments" thanks to the work of all, such as the regrouping of the members of the Pott band.

Within the line for young people, Loraldia Kultur Elkartea has also highlighted the Loraldia Terminal project: “The quarry of young Basque creators is born.”

“We’ve touched the sky”

This has been stated by the organization team. In fact, in addition to the quality of the programme, they have highlighted that this is a project that goes beyond a cultural festival. Thus, this year has also been a meeting place for creation and exchange.

Regarding social commitment, several shows in Loraldia have valued culture as a "weapon against barbarism". An example of this is the Migrtzaileak dance show, represented by the company Aukeran, which has given the opportunity to look ahead to a current social problem.

On the other hand, it should be remembered that within the framework of the Loraldia festival each year a new cultural production is created. This year Mira Hadi. Eulalia Abaitua has been a multidisciplinary show led by Getari Etxegarai who highlighted the figure of the Basque pioneer photographer.