Sixteen people declare in Pamplona on Columbus Day by symbolic decapitation of Philip VI.ri and Colón
  • The arrested person has testified this Wednesday morning to the National Police at his home. In the event, organized by various groups of migrants and the Sortu on 12 October, an image of the king and the colonizer was thrown to the ground. Sortu has announced that it will continue to denounce its lack of democracy and defend the Basque Republic.
ARGIA @argia 2020ko urriaren 28a
Urriaren 12ko Iruñeko ekitaldia. Argazkia: @sortuEH.

After receiving the citation, sixteen people have declared in the police station, located on General Chinchilla Street in Pamplona, according to Sortu. After the statement of the facts, they have been released on charges. Sortu recalled that the initiative organized on Hispanidad Day in Pamplona “was carried out thanks to the collaboration of the Nicaraguan association Women of Corn, the Africa United association, the original dance group of Ecuador Sharing Roots, the cultural association of the Bolivian community Munata and the Sortu association.” He reported that the National Police and the Civil Guard have collaborated with the goal of “intimidating and criminalizing the people involved in the action.”

Sortu has described “operation” as the violation of rights of expression and mobilization and has ensured that it will follow its path: "They're at a party if they think that with those attempts at criminalization they're going to scare us. We will continue along the same path as before, denouncing the lack of democracy and authoritarianism of the regime and demanding the Basque republic.”

Acts against Columbus Day

On October 12 and last weekend, Sortu made initiatives against the Kingdom of Spain, the colonizer Christopher Columbus and the king of Spain Felipe VI.aren. In several localities the images of the last two were burned, and in Pamplona two strings were attached to the neck to two of the images that were prepared for the act.