Besides completing the list, the Wikimedia Foundation performs an automatic measurement of these articles, with their corresponding lengths, references and illustrations that serve to make a measurement of quality. In early 2022, Wikipedia in Euskera was at position 33, following this quality criterion, and when the year ends we were at position 23, possibly in the next update (measurements are made at 15 months).
This is the graph prepared by Euskal Wikilarien Kultur Elkartea, which reflects the rise of Euskera in this ranking:
PRESIDENT. — The debate is closed. According to the blog of the association, the challenge for 2023 will be to achieve more quality in these 10,000 articles and increase the classification.
Two-thirds of the 10,000 articles are less than 8,000 bytes. And 881 articles have less than 1,000 bytes. Its content composition will be a way of improving quality. By area, the longitudinal quality status of the articles is as follows:
The clear colors in this graph (on the left) indicate shorter and darker items on the right more complete. The challenge of 2023 will therefore be to get a darker graph until the next one.
Remember that the Wikipedia edition is in the hands of everyone and collaborate in it.