A 23-year-old has been beaten among thirteen people in Basauri, shouting “Dirty Marikoi”
  • The homophobic aggression took place in the Bizkotxalde park of Basauri, on the night from Saturday to Sunday: The 23-year-old was brutally beaten by thirteen people and after being unconscious, the young man was admitted to the hospital where he was admitted.
Mikel Garcia Idiakez @mikelgi 2021eko ekainaren 08a

“Fucking Maricon” suffered the screaming attack. They also told him that he seemed disgusting. He was beaten all over his body, especially in his head. The victim has filed a complaint with the Ertzaintza, as reported by the Basque Department of Security.

All the political parties of the City of Basauri have denounced the attack and shown their solidarity both to the victim and to his environment in a joint statement. “These actions against people’s freedom are absolutely unacceptable. Sexual freedom is a fundamental victory for advancing human rights.”


As every year, LGBTI+ Pride Day is celebrated on 28 June, and a host of activities have been organised this month. Facts such as this show that there is still a need to claim sexual freedom. Hate crimes for racism and homophobia, for example, have doubled in the CAPV by 2020.

As we were told in a recent conversation with members of Hiruki Larroxa, “the symbolic and structural violence towards what comes out of heterosis is still there, and because we can marry or have children doesn’t mean we don’t suffer from LGBT phobia. It has taken another form, but the wolf covered in sheepskin is still there.”