Twelve months later, the offensive against the Basque Country continued
  • A year after the mobilisation that filled the streets of Bilbao, the Basque Council of Youth has denounced that the courts have continued to disparage the normalization of Euskera and linguistic rights. The conveners have stressed that to overcome the conflict it is essential "the normalization and revitalization" of the Basque country.

Leire Ibar 2024ko azaroaren 06a
2023ko azaroaren 4ko manifestazioa Bilbon. Euskalgintza Kontseilua

A year has passed since the demonstration against the aggression took place in Bilbao. Tens of thousands of people gathered together to denounce the judicial rulings that Basque and Basque people want to leave behind in the background.

The Council referred to the last year's assessment and stressed that, although the situation was worrying, there are still signs of hope. In addition, the Council has explained that strong responses are being given in the defence of the normalisation of the Basque country: “For each Euskarafoba judgment, we have seen the mobilizations of the citizens and the personnel affected.”

The Council of Euskalgintza explained that this is a "feasible proposal" to overcome the current situation and stressed the need for a "firm leap" in linguistic policies.

In this regard, they have stated that they reaffirm their commitment to articulate a new socio-political agreement, in which work is being done "fully".