Haira Aizpurua wins the Basque Country College
  • Anttonmari Elkartea-Otalora put the txapela to bertsolari labortano. 180 people met on 3 June at the fronton Kepa Arroitajauregi in Iurreta to follow the programme closely. In total, 10 bertsolaris, representatives of the territories, participated. The runner-up was Eki Mateo. @bertsozale 2023ko ekainaren 05a
Haira Aizpurua Ibargarai, txapela buruan, azken agurra kantatzen. Argazkia: XDZ.

Played on Fronton 35 of Iurreta. The interest of Euskal Herria, before about 180 people. It was attended by ten bertsolaris, representatives from different territories. From Álava have been Maddi Agirre and Sabin Abarrategui; from Bizkaia Haizea Telleria and Ixone Asategi; from Gipuzkoa June Aiestaran and Danel Etxeberria; from Lapurdi Haira Aizpurua and Ibai Lekuona; and from Navarra Katariaga. Featuring Igor Meñika and Beñat Vidal. The judges were conducted by Beñat Romero, Aitor Jimenez, Nerea Bruño, Lur Renteria and Oihana Aranguren.

After the initial greetings, in the first part all bertsolaris have acted in zortziko handia and zortziko txikia, by couples. Of these, the second part has been classified as six: Danel Etxeberria, by Eki Mateo, Haira Aizpurua, June Aiestaran, Kattin Madariaga and Maddi Agirre. The six have responded to one point and had to sing a verso alone on the subject. In the end, Haira Aizpurua has won the 2023 Basque Country School Txapela for the second time (he also put it in 2021), and Eki Mateo has been the runner-up. The champion was dressed by Anttonmari Energy-Otalora, while the runner-up was awarded by Xabi Igoa, president of the Bertsolaris Club. They have also been reminders for the other participants.

In you can see the champion greeting:

Family of Udaleku

if you're here

Ibai, Irantzu and Haize


Pen, without you could not

come so quiet

Unax, you gave them

form of all my verses

with my heart


thanks to you this voice

And I'm the person I am.

the txapela is for you

mom and grandmother!


End of a road

It started in the early 35th year. Interest and until June he has travelled the way through the territories, with almost a hundred young Bertsolaris who have participated in the Intercolars of the territories. Organised by the Confederation of Ikastolas and the Bertsozale Elkartea Association, this year the programme has been assisted by the Municipality of Iurreta.

The aim of the School is to offer young people from 14 to 18 years of age a plaza of bertsos in public and to foster a hobby. In addition, taking into account local characteristics, in addition to the spontaneous championship, other activities such as the written championship or non-competition for minors are performed.