On 11 November HABE will publish the results of the written expression tests of the second call and, in that case, the final objective will be closer to the people who are immersed in the examination process to obtain the title, both the direct protagonists – students, teachers, examiners – and the indirect ones – fathers and mothers, couples, other close relatives.
That is the day when the lucky and lucky ones who overtake the work will begin the final round. Hopeful and impatient, you will notice that you do not have more than two weeks to prepare the oral test and will begin to stir everyone around you with the intention of taking any opportunity to practice speech.
No pity. Others have been in this concern for months, pending the arrival of the oral expression test, since in the previous call, once the fragment of written expression was overcome, the last step for the title failed. Waiting for a 10-minute session starting in mid-July, the repeaters will soon know when the damn test will return.
For each and every other, I will then collect a number of recommendations for the oral expression test, in order to help everyone get out of the way. Come on!
One. Take advantage of any time in the program to comment on some interesting facts about you. By default, be it the place of residence: the foreign-born student will arouse the curiosity of the examiners and, in turn, will receive the recognition of the Basque population and the indulgence of the Castilian speaking area. No matter where you are, it will be your pleasure to make some small, well-selected biographical mention.
"We all better tell the circumstances that have happened to us than abstract ideas."
Two. We all count the circumstances that have happened to us better than abstract ideas. So, if you can, talk about the theme that corresponds to you from your own experiences and don't miss the thread in general. If you are a vegetarian, have teleworked ever or are afraid of new ways to tie, do not hesitate, then you have the essence to deal with the issue.
Three. More than one thinks that talking as little as possible is the best way to overcome, because that will not make mistakes. In fact, whoever does so will make an impression against what he expects: the jurors will think that he has no capacity to express what he wants and that is why he has been mute. He fills his mouth, because no one passes the exam without saying a word.
Four. Examiners may ask questions for any questions that may arise from the above, because the requested time has not elapsed, or for any other reason. Don’t worry and take advantage of the jury’s questions to help. Realists will better understand this: More than a ball that moves you away from above, you must imagine that you are Mikel Oiarzabal and that in the Copa Final you have the opportunity to launch a penalty. This is the question of the examiners, no less.
Five. If you make a mistake, suppose that in the match between the subject and the verb (-ak/-ek), you will be tempted to move forward in a hurry, hoping that the voiceover will conceal the error. It is clearly not the smartest strategy, because, on the one hand, the examiners will also be aware of the error and, on the other, because everything will be recorded in the apparatus of the class. In case of error, instead of going ahead, stop and repeat the full sentence. Self-correction will always be a positive point.
Six. If you're going to be tested for couples, it's not going to help you worry about your partner's activity. If you do it well, because you do it well, and if you do it badly, that is why it will only cause you to worry. The same with the jury: if they have smiled or not, they will not help you to draw conclusions about what they have appointed.
"Justice is important, but do not sacrifice all your speech in your favor. Above all, it tries to act naturally"
Seven. Justice is important, but do not sacrifice all your speech in your favour. Above all, try to act naturally and keep your usual personality, fluidity, pronunciation of words, etc. Use your dialect words without shame, and if you need it, cry without shame. You will not be the first or the last to do so.
Tips, tips, tips...
We are all aware that in two weeks' time we cannot improve our way of speaking too much, because that is something we have to work on every day, typi-lid. We also know that the examination situation is absolutely artificial, that it is a real hurry for all, but that there is no alternative but to deal with the situation. To finish, although it is very easy to give recommendations from the outside, the saying clearly states: "Nobody has advice for themselves and for others."
By way of sentences, I hope that the seven points raised here give a small push to all the people who have to take the test, whether they are just passed or repeated, both by Sestao and Ordizia, footballers or footballers. The final results of HABE will be published on December 20, and that is when we end this phase of agony.
I hope that this year Olentzero will bring many gifts!