Submit an application to prepare HABE tests
  • The Bai&by Foundation has developed the application “HABE Studies”. It has level B1, B2 and C1 examination models and offers the possibility of performing a diagnosis of the Euskera level.
Leire Artola Arin 2021eko urriaren 18a
Bai&by Fundazioak garatu du aplikazioa eta HABEren oniritzia jaso du. / Argazkia: bai&by.

The "HABE tests" application, valid for mobile devices, tablets and computers, has been made available to students preparing the HABE tests. It is a project of the Bai&by Foundation, which has the approval of HABE, which has authorized the dissemination of the previous official test models. There are exercises with four linguistic skills: reading comprehension, oral comprehension, written expression and oral expression.

HABE director Jokin Azkue explained that this is a "nice and useful" application. In fact, in addition to offering exercise games, it will make a diagnosis to users to know if they are willing to pass the Basque test. Azkue has pointed out that last year at least 20,000 pupils were registered for the examination, and this year some 27,000 pupils.

After registration, the user must select the level at which he/she wishes to be trained: B1, B2 or C1. The diagnosis will be made from the starting Basque level, according to which the application will show statistics and results by areas throughout the exercise. Through this tool, students will be able to know their evolution. Details of the application can be found on the bai&by page.