The Catholic Church of Spain recognizes the sexual abuse of 927 minors in its first report on pederastia
  • ‘To give birth’ is the first document of the Catholic Church of Spain on pederastia. On Thursday, it has been published in Madrid where hundreds of minors have been sexually abused by members of the Church since the 1940s. The anti-pederastia associations have repeatedly stressed that this is the tip of the iceberg.
Aitor Gurrutxaga Muñagorri 2023ko ekainaren 02a
Francisco César García Magán, Espainiako Gotzainen Batzarreko idazkari nagusia. Argazkia Toledoko Artxidiozesia

The Episcopal Conference of the Spanish State has published the report To give birth on Thursday in Madrid. From the 1940s to the end of 2022, they have been subjected to various sexual abuses committed by the Catholic Church. In total, according to the Church's report, 927 victims and 728 aggressors have been recognized in the report.

According to data disseminated by the Catholic Church itself, of the 728 cases, 283 were collected in diocesan offices and 445 in congregational offices. The largest number of cases occurred before the 1990s: 80%. The cases after 2020 are 34.

More than 99% of aggressors are men – five women – and most aggressors are men: 82.6%. More than half of the abuses are priests.

Regarding the area where abuse occurred, 46.9% occurred around the school, among other schools, institutes, patio or gym.

The El País channel was the first to start reporting sexual abuse by members of the Catholic Church. According to his work, 966 cases and 1957 victims were identified.