At least 79 people have died on the Greek coast and hundreds have disappeared
  • On Wednesday, a boat sank with hundreds of migrants. About 100 of 750 passengers have been rescued on Thursday morning and they report 15 hours of assistance.
Ilargi Manzanares 2023ko ekainaren 15a
Hondoratutako itsasontzia, jendez gainezka. Argazkia: Greziako kostazaintza.

79 bodies have been found and the number of missing persons is high. Wednesday was the deadliest shipwreck this year in Greece. It is estimated that there were 750 people on board (100 children). He started his journey through Libya and wanted to reach Italy, but he began to sink on the Greek coast by a failure of the ship's engine. The Guardian receives that 104 people have been saved on Wednesday afternoon and that they have mobilized boats, helicopters and transport aircraft to find the revivals.

In order to avoid vigorous surveillance of the Greek coast, human rights groups have denounced that traffic networks follow increasingly dangerous paths. The road to Italy, due to the stormy climate on the high seas, is one of the most dangerous for immigrants. The Guardian has received that the Greek Ministry of Migration considers it to be the fault of international trafficking networks, while the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grande, has called “governments to work together” to have safe paths for “those fleeing poverty and war.”

Greece has been criticised for launching immigrants. The Greek Government defines its policy as “tough but fair”. In the video that came out in May, you can see how coast guards are forcibly throwing immigrants, leaving them adrift at sea until they receive the guards of the Turkish coast.