At least 70 people die in Mali from a gold mine
  • The mining operation was being illegal, as the Government of Mali did not authorize the opening of the mine. Some bodies have already been recovered.
Izaro Villarreal Lauroba 2024ko urtarrilaren 25
Azken urteotan eman den erorketa handienetako bat izan da. // Argazkia: EITB

At least 70 people have died in a gold mine in Mali. The mining operation was being illegal, as the Government of Mali did not authorize the opening of the mine, but the miners began to exploit it “irregularly” and “by themselves”, according to the version of official sources in the media. Some corpses have already been recovered. Most of the deaths are citizens of Mali, but there are also foreign miners, especially from Guinea-Bissau, according to EITB.

It has been one of the deadliest falls in the region. The mine is located near the village of Kobada, 250 kilometres from Bama.