Gurs concert venue participants are honored on Sunday
  • Three days after the dictator Francisco Franco announced his victory, he was inaugurated at the Gurs concert venue, 90 kilometers from Baiona. This weekend, the rulers of the governments of Hego Euskal Herria paid tribute, among other things, to the displaced there, who received almost thousands of refugees.  
ARGIA @argia 2019ko apirilaren 08a
Gurseko kontzentrazio eremuan egondagokei omenaldia . Gurseko kontzentrazio eremuan egondagokei omenaldia.

In addition to the families of the refugees, memory support groups and Basque authorities, representatives of the central, French and Aragonese governments, among others, have also attended. 60,000 people remained in captivity in this compound until its closure in 1945.

"In 1939, along with the mass exile called "Withdrawal", many militiamen and ex-combatants in their attempt to escape the Francoist claws crossed the Pyrenean border, but as soon as they arrived on the other side they were disarmed by the French authorities. Military logic said that in the French State such a multitude could not enter into weapons. This is reported by historian Josu Chueca in this ARGIA report about what happened in Gurs 80 years ago