Our little things
Uxue Apaolaza Larrea 2024ko apirilaren 22a
Argazkia: eitb

He walked in some debate and said something to Otxandiano about the banner. Proud of the mistake, however, they began to respond from where I did not expect, with a woman’s voice, and without thinking about it, he wanted to shut up “I didn’t tell you, I told Otxandiano”: Gorrotxategi put on her face as a angry child that gets us “but I want to respond”. The campaign has ended by saying nothing. The most measured word. The weirdest word. And we've voted by remembering the trajectory, understanding silences.

The candidature of a guy like Andueza has managed to rise in votes and seats. It was not an obstacle to the design of the campaign, society is ready for it. The idea of ideas, in order not to scare anyone, needed a candidate, and they decide that that safety is calm given by three men who talk about industry. They don't wake up, they don't start with very diffuse issues to suddenly understand, uncomfortable, confusing and divergent. This year it had to be clear what issues can be cited in the elevator so that the neighbour would return home, and what never before so he would not have to think more than he thought. It would not be bad to know which urbanization have chosen the elevator to mark the center. Mark who the people are to be able to talk about “issues of interest to the citizens”.

This year it had to be clear what issues can be mentioned in the elevator so that the neighbour can come home peacefully, and which never

At an election night debate table at ETB, Eider Alkorta recalled that a large group of those who abstain is the older woman (over 40). In the central debates the thematic blocks have been sufficiently broad for each group to say what it wanted, and no one, not even those who were coming to raise the level of political debate (and have succeeded), did not find it agglutinating to address the issue, or to cite the victims of male violence … Although there were some votes left in the margin, the calculations would indicate that they were not necessary. We’ve heard Otxandiano “there’s no need for people to be more frightened”: I don’t know where people were going from the neighborhood elevator, it seems that on social issues he can’t hear much more than Osakidetza without fear. And why start to say that all the economic solutions proposed need an exploited South (Palestine was cited by the losers), if only to send some garbage, to sew our clothes, I don't know, to gather strawberries. It is true that those who have arrived from these southern areas cannot vote, so the best way to defend them, as in the case of women, is not to give a voice, so that then those in the elevator accept at least something assistentialist. Campaigns must therefore be understandable to the shades of the lift. We have work in the next four years to find our inner peak.

The campaign is over, you can say more things, you can even cry ‘independence!’, unlike what happened in the myths that existed until now. And at the time of the euphoria, men went up on stage to put words to the election results: opposite the micro Otxandian and Otegi, the serpentines, and more serpentines. And before taking the floor, Etxebarrieta takes a glass of water and takes the serpentines out of the jacket to Otegi. I find it difficult to interpret.