Our father and son
Iñaki Lasa Nuin 2022ko abenduaren 24a

When I was reading something, Eñaut, the grandson who played in the area, suddenly asked me: "What's the fastest man?" ". "Man faster? But the fastest, Eñaut? I asked him. "If you want to know who is faster, now I don't know who it is. But when I was a kid, they said that Albert Einstein was the fastest scientist. The fastest of the race is Jamaican Usain Bolt, the fastest 100 meters smooth, in 9 seconds and 58 centesials."

I don't know if I satiated Eñaut's curiosities, but he came back to his games and he woke my brain. I stopped reading and thought. The 44.72 km/h that human beings mark are not very fast. It will be great for humans, but how many animals, fish and birds easily exceed that speed! On the other hand, some Einstein equations have already been corrected, so now it's not the fastest.

Man has long been on the tip and also divinized. The truth is that the human being, as a human being, does not give divinities or measures! Human intelligence is limited. But the universe (nature) is part of the intelligence it has, of cosmic consciousness, and that is infinite. The desire of a human being with limited wisdom is to be unlimited. That is why he has created an omnipotent god with a human aspect, without realizing that inside he has an infinite divine consciousness without developing.

We've always linked wisdom to people, to man, for reason. There is a wisdom that we cannot think or imagine. We just say: “well.” 50% of scientists agree with “well,” even if they continue their research. To know that the results of some quantum physics tests have not yet been clarified. The other 50% of scientists, in the balance of chance, happen to bring these incomprehensible results. Everything that is and we are, life is a mystery. Jesus of Nazareth said “it is me.” We cannot personify because his greatness is lost: spirit, strength, energy, life, essence, absolute, universal consciousness, foundation, potentiality, intelligent process of life… How many words and concepts have been used and are used to explain that “Da”!

The story has given many famous characters of great attraction and tracking and their onomastics are celebrated. Why not that of Jesus of Nazareth, celebrate it with the winter solstice! With Jesus as a guide we can also celebrate in our interior this divine “Den”, together with all fathers and mothers

Our father, God, are concepts of person; the highest man? Prayers in general are personal, face-to-face and dual You and I, I and YOU. Is that father not going to be the desire for the fullness and eternity of human beings that we have not developed consciousness? Saints, mystics, men and women clear of wisdom and thousands of people who have lived close to death have lived light, happiness, love, energy, the tunnel of passage, etc., but they do not mention lifelong dads.

Christmas. And now your son. If God is human and the so-called father, the son will not be far away either. Jesus, considered the son of the eternal father, was born 2022 years ago in Nazareth (approximate historical fact). We don't know why he was born at that time and not at another time in the long human trajectory of thousands and thousands of years. It is possible that, in the mythologies before the 500 years of the semi-eastern areas, there were many divine sons born of the virgins, so the god son Jesus also had a good time.

It is true that the “father” was Jesus himself who warmly called the god they knew under the name of Yahweh. If someone feels like a good name for “father” or “mother,” they can call that “Da,” but they will not be human. Today the son of Mary of Nazareth is considered a historical person by a large majority. Reading texts about him and about his own facts and comments, quite later on, it becomes clear that he was an enlightened and very receptive person, with a lot of empathy. He had and still has enthusiastic followers. The story, from the three or two thousand years before our time, has given many famous characters of great attraction and tracking, whose onomastics have been celebrated and celebrated. Why not that of Jesus of Nazareth, celebrate it with the winter solstice! Guided by Jesus, we can also celebrate in our interior this divine “Den”, together with all fathers and mothers.

Merry Christmas for everyone!

Iñaki Lasa Nuin